PORTUGALThe Portuguese Swimming Federation (Portuguese: Federação Portuguesa de Natação is the national sports federation tasked with the development, promotion and international representation of swimming in Portugal. The federation overlooks several other sports...
LeafletsIN-FORMS Project Improving Employability in Sport Through Investigating, Promoting and Supporting Innovative Forms of Employment in EuropeInnovating European sport employment practices to improve the recruitment and retention of skilled workers and create more...
Sports University of Tirana – ALBANIA
AlbaniaThe University of Sports of Tirana is the only higher institution of this type in the Republic of Albania for the purpose of training physical education teachers and sports specialists. The University realises the full scientific qualification of physical...
Institute of Sport – National Research Institute – POLAND
PolandThe Institute of Sport has been established in Warsaw by Regulation of the Prime Minister in November 1977 as an independent research unit and is holding the statute of National Research Institute since November 2015. The activities of the Institute involve:...
General Secretariat of Sports, Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports – GREECE
GreeceThe Secretariat General of Sport (S.G.S) of Greece is responsible for the national executive planning and has overall responsibility for all issues concerning progress, organisation and function of Sports in the country. More specifically, it is responsible for...
Arbetsgivaralliansen – SWEDEN
SwedenArbetsgivaralliansen is an independent confederation for Swedish employers such as sporting and educational associations. The organisation has the main goal to negotiate collective agreement for their members as well as help them with the implementation of the...
Santarém Polytechnic University / Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM) – PORTUGAL
PortugalThe Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM), is a Portuguese public higher education school and forms part of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPS). ESDRM was established in 1997 and currently has approximately 112 staff members and 1000 students. The...
Werkgevers in de Sport (WOS) – NETHERLANDS
The Netherlands Employers organisation in Sport (hereafter WOS) is an employers' association that aims to promote the interests of its members in the broad field of labor relations. On April 8, 1986 it was founded under its official name: Employers' Organisation in...
LuxembourgLUNEX is a University of Applied Sciences based in Differdange (Luxembourg), which opened its doors for students in April 2016. It is a private higher education institution with to-date 36 academic and 17 administrative members of staff and counts of total...
Sportwerk Vlaanderen – BELGIUM
BelgiumSportwerk was founded in 1986 under the name Vlabus (the Flemish Office for Sports Guidance). It is the expertise partner for employment in the Flemish organised sports sector. It coordinates, supports, stimulates and optimises qualitative employment in the...