FinlandVierumaki, the Sport Institute of Finland is a national coaching and training centre for sports and physical education. It operates under the Ministry of Education and Culture and is run by Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö Ltd. Vierumaki develops,...
ESSA-Sport Partners
University of Nicosia (NIC) – CYPRUS
CyprusThe University of Nicosia is an independent, co-educational, equal opportunity tertiary education institution, combining the best elements in western education, quality standards and an international philosophy. International in philosophy, the University hosts...
University of Applied Sciences for Sport and Management (ESAB) – GERMANY
GermanyPotsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHSMP) is an officially recognised and accredited university of applied sciences in corporate ownership. Its operator is the European Sport Academy Brandenburg (ESAB), a non-profit organisation which is in turn run by the...
Santarém Polytechnic University / Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM) – PORTUGAL
PortugalThe Sport Sciences School of Rio Maior (ESDRM), is a Portuguese public higher education school and forms part of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPS). ESDRM was established in 1997 and currently has approximately 112 staff members and 1000 students. The...
Werkgevers in de Sport (WOS) – NETHERLANDS
The Netherlands Employers organisation in Sport (hereafter WOS) is an employers' association that aims to promote the interests of its members in the broad field of labor relations. On April 8, 1986 it was founded under its official name: Employers' Organisation in...
International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) – DENMARK
Denmark / InternationalThe International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) is a democratic, non-governmental and not-for-profit umbrella association open to member organisations working within the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity....
Hungarian University of Sports Science – HUNGARY
HungaryEstablished in 1925, the University of Physical Education (UPE) is the oldest, largest and most comprehensive centre for sport, physical activity and physical education training in Hungary. It specialises in sport and physical education higher education...
SportMalta – MALTA
MaltaAs a council under the responsibility of the Secretary Parliamentary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport within the Ministry for Education and Employment, Sport Malta’s core purpose is to inspire Maltese and transform the nation through sport. Through...
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) – BELGIUM
BelgiumThe Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), founded in 1425, is one of Europe’s oldest universities. The university has more than 28,000 students from bachelor’s level to doctorate and adult continuing education, in all disciplines. The Olympic Chair...