Module 1 of the S2ABC European Advanced Course on Sport Administration
The S2ABC European Advanced Course on Sport Administration is breaking new ground in professional development and capacity building through a unique blended learning approach to education and training in sport.
Following the successful in-person induction event in Belgium at the end of September, the 30 sport administrators on the course joined together online for the first module of the course on the topic of Project Management on the 7, 8 and 9 of November 2023.
Course Director Kirstie Simpson from the University of Chester in the UK, and President of EOSE, led the three days of learning which tool place over three hours on each day
The learning outcomes for the module on Project Management were support the participants to be able to:
- Understand the principles, processes, tools and techniques of project management
- Agree and communicate the scope, objectives and resources of a project
- Develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a project

Day 1 of the module focussed on principles and processes of project management, including the concept of a project brief, communicating the scope and objectives of a project, identifying resources and legal and risk management issues. Day 2 of the module covered in detail tools and techniques of project management, and Day 3 supported the participants to understand what success looks like in project management by covering project coordination, project planning and finally monitoring and evaluation.
Throughout the three days of the module there was a strong element of “learning by doing” and on each day the participants were set group tasks related to the content to implement concepts and ideas by relating them to real world projects they are currently involved in.
Two further modules of the Advanced Course will take place online in December and January on the topics of “Finance” and “Managing People” before the group meet again in-person for a graduation event and national visit to be held in Kosovo in March 2024.

Kirstie Simpson, S2ABC Course Director said:
“In my opinion the atmosphere and commitment to Module 1 was enhanced by the fact the participants had already met in-person in Belgium for the Induction Event and made connections with people from different countries. Project management is a key part of sport administration and I hope we provided an engaging and beneficial learning experience for all through the module, I can’t wait for the next module on finance to start in December”.
A participant from the Course said:
“I enjoyed every hour of the course and for me it was very productive, because now I can name some things that are happening and maybe find an easier solution for them. Thank you very much for bringing all this knowledge and making it accessible for us.”
S2ABC Project
The European Advanced Course on Sport Administration is being delivered as part of the S2ABC project which is co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ Sport programme (Capacity Building projects). In line with this particular EU Call for Projects most of the 30 participants on the Advanced Course are coming from the Western Balkans countries of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia. A small number of participants also coming from the EU and UK to ensure a diversity of backgrounds and experiences of the group.
S2ABC aims to enhance the skills of sport administrators to build capacity of sport organisations in the Western Balkans through innovative training and development activities.
In 2024 a Course on Sport Administration will be delivered for a further 40 participants from Western Balkans and EU to enhance the capacity building legacy of the S2ABC project.
- European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) – Coordinator
- Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) – Belgium
- National Olympic Committee of North Macedonia (NOC Macedonia)
- Sport University of Tirana – Albania
- National Olympic Committee of Albania (NOC Albania)
- University of Pristina – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education – Kosovo
- National Olympic Committee of Montenegro (NOC Montenegro)
Mr Aurélien Favre – EOSE Executive Director – Click here